Since March 2020, MIGHT have conducted about 7 episode of webinar series including the webinar series: Road to Recovery (Episode 7): Public-Private Partnership: The Funding of Smart Cities Development. The 7th episode of webinar series was held on 24 August 2020 via Cisco Webex platform. It is aimed to provide a stepwise guideline on how private and the public can explore funding of smart cities development. Highlighting lessons based on the experience shared by the panellists, the webinar offered participants an exciting dialogue as well as opportunity to engage smart cities experts and identify ways similar inventions can be applied and adapted to their circumstances. It also outlined a possible process and posed to be considered in smart cities development. The 7th Webinar series was joined by 43 participants virtually and received around 110 views in YouTube platform. Other than virtual participants, the session also is concurrent with a workshop organised by TM One live from Majlis Perbandaran Klang which involved by 150 participants.
