Plenary Sharing Session @ IEO EED Conference 2024

7 March 2024

Venue: Worldbank, Washington

Worldbank-Washington, 7 March – MSCA Chairman & MIGHT Senior Vice President, Ts Dr Raslan Ahmad presented as one of distinguished panellist deliberating on Transforming Evaluation Systems to Mainstream Sustainability: Country Perspectives @ IEO EED Conference 2024. Dr. Raslan shared experiences start with planning stage to the realisation of smart city implementation in Malaysia.

This session was moderated by Ketevan Nozadze, the GEF Independent Evaluation Ofifice (IEO) together with 3 other esteemed panelist; Camilla Mata Machado Soares (Director, Minister of Planning, Budget and Management of Brazil), Marvin Taylor-Dormond (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) and Taku Chirau (Deputy Director, Learning on Evaluation & Results Anglophone Africa).

Along this interesting discussion, moderator and panelist explored how countries can transform and strengthen evaluation systems and practices to mainstream sustainability, inform on systemic challenges and use evaluative findings to advocate for better policies for people and the planet.