28 – 30 September 2020, Asian International Arbitration Centre, Bangunan Sulaiman, The MUF 2020 is an international level forum that aims to promote inclusive debates and discussions towards developing and improving our sustainable urbanization strategies, policies and programs. The focus of the MUF will be the platform it provides to the local multi-stakeholders in knowledgebase building, engagement, awareness-raising, policy advice and innovative solutions.
These shall serve as inputs to Governments at national, state, and local levels and develop frameworks for cities in Malaysia to voluntarily report on their local implementation efforts.
MIGHT participated in the Networking Event 5 (NW5): Positioning Malaysia Cities Towards Sustainable and Smart Initiatives, that was moderated by Dr Liz Alexander, Senior Associate of MIGHT along with distinguished panelists discussed on the challenges and benefits concerning the development of smart cities in Malaysia.
MIGHT also participated in the High-Level Dialogue 3: Partnerships for Sustainable Urban Development. Dr Raslan Ahmad, Senior Vice President of MIGHT was one of the proficient panellists that were invited. The panelists shared their ideas and implementation of the sustainable and smart initiatives throughout cities in Malaysia
- Networking Event 5 (NW5): Positioning Malaysia Cities Towards Sustainable and Smart Initiatives:
- High-Level Dialogue 3: Partnerships for Sustainable Urban Development:
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