Malaysia International Centre for Sustainable Cities (MyICSC) is initiative to encourage smart cities stakeholders to build Sustainable Cities and Communities as per UNDP SDG-11. It’s offers a powerful opportunity to leverage the knowledge and shared learning of an entire initiative, support the achievement of high performance at all locations, and accelerate the broad-based adoption of innovative advances.

Smart cities for the future

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia, which hopes to have at least five smart cities established in the country by 2025, could take a page from China’s experience in digitalisation and enhance collaboration in the area of digital space, particularly in the area of smart cities, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economy) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed. “Malaysia…

Malaysia refreshes smart city aspirations with new MIGHT report

Malaysia saw a refresh of its smart city aspirations with the Smart City Outlook 2021/22 (MSCO) report, soft-launched after the technological partnership think tank Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT)’s 26th AGM virtually held on 29 June 2021. Themed Embracing Technology Towards Enhancing Smart Cities & Communities, the report, which is produced by thought leader network solutions provider Confexhub together…

MIGHT, Confexhub akan keluarkan buku panduan, Malaysia Smart City Outlook 2021-2022

KUALA LUMPUR, 28 Jun — Kumpulan Industri-Kerajaan Bagi Teknologi Tinggi Malaysia ​(MIGHT) dan Confexhub akan mengeluarkan buku panduan “Malaysia Smart City Outlook 2021- 2022 (MSCO) – An Overview of Malaysia’s Smart City Technology, Industry Landscape, Priorities and The Way Forward”. Dalam kenyataan bersama hari ini, MIGHT dan Confexhub berkata dengan tema “Embracing Technology Towards Enhancing Smart Cities and Communities”, MSCO…