The Webinar Series: Road to Recovery [Episode 8]: “Business Value and Opportunities for IoT Infrastructure Development” was successfully held on 10th September 2020. The webinar was moderated by Ts. Zulkifflee Mohamad, MIGHT with experienced panellists from Favoriot Sdn Bhd, Smart Selangor Delivery Unit (SSDU), Motorola Solutions and Honeywell ASEAN. In the panel discussion, the panellists explained a bit on the nature of their business and followed by the overall context of IoT infrastructure. The discussion continued to discuss facing obstacles such as lack of employee, security, and safety measures. Motorola Solutions Malaysia brought into the open about their Mission-Critical Ecosystem which was built based on public safety by leveraging the IoT infrastructure. Honeywell also proposed their platform, Honeywell Forge, which enables customers to gather data from multiple sources. The panellists then discussed the issues and challenges in business value for IoT infrastructure development. The panellists proposed some ideas and plan of action on pertaining business value opportunities for the industry players. The question of security is often a subject that is posed when addressing data retention. In the session, panellists discussed the issues and challenges faced by local companies as well as how to overcome them and stimulate business opportunities in IoT infrastructure development.
