On its way towards sustainability

Government buildings with unique architecture are part of the city’s identity, such as these four structures in a row, known as the ‘four pillars’, beside Putrajaya Lake. PUTRAJAYA — the Malaysian administrative capital — is on a journey towards sustainability and enhancing the city as a tourist destination. The Covid-19 pandemic may have disrupted many…

IBM foresees faster emerging technology adoption in Malaysia

As industries accelerated their tech adoption due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations were focused more on using emerging technology for business continuity at first. Plans for using technology to improve business efficiency and productivity were slowed down due to changes in the workplace. Initially, most organizations began sourcing more remote working technologies, including improving…

Smart cities must think locally and partner globally

DIGITAL innovations developed across Southeast Asia in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are a testament to the region’s ongoing commitment to building a range of “smart” infrastructure and applications. After the successful development and implementation of the MySejahtera app to monitor the pandemic, Malaysia’s recent launch of The Federal Territories Smart City Blueprint (MySmart Wilayah…