Digitalising Healthcare

Physical lockdowns, social distancing, and masks – the year 2020 will be remembered for how COVID-19 has changed the world indefinitely. However, one silver lining of the pandemic is that it has accelerated the rate of digital transformation globally, as the governments and businesses adapt to the new normal, said Dr Ang Kong Hui, chief…

Farm in a City

Pak choy, Brazilian spinach, and sweet potato leaves – these were among the fresh greens that Malaysians began cultivating in their homes during the Malaysian Movement Control Order (MCO), as urban farming grew in popularity Urban farming presents an attractive and sustainable form of ensuring food security, with more than half of the world’s population…

No Wonderland Without Water

Like every great city, an uninterrupted water supply is a necessity. One crucial aspect of Sunway City Kuala Lumpur’s status as a smart sustainable city is actually in our own backyard. After six million years of inhabiting planet Earth, we have yet to fully comprehend the amazing element that comprises 75% of it – water!…

Who Says Money Can’t Grow on Trees?

A well-planned city with first-class green infrastructure is more resilient, sustainable and equitable to face strong environmental challenges posed by planet Earth. Little do people know that trees can be beneficial, not just sustainably, but profitably as well – being two to three times more than the investment made in planting and caring for them.…

Thriving on Sustainable Living

In what was a challenging year for most developers, Sunway Property remained steadfast in enriching the lives of those who chose to call our properties their home. Throughout 2020, Sunway Property delivered quality workmanship, experience and comfort through its various innovative developments, amassing monumental accolades and recognitions. With deep roots in sustainability, we made it…